Tianchi YU

Contact firstname.lastname[at]phd.unipd.it


Keep Hungry, Keep Foolish

I am a first-year Ph.D. student at Security and Privacy (SPRITZ) research group of University of Padova, advised by Prof.Mauro Conti, collaborating with Trusted System Security Lab of Huawei Munich Research Center, supervised by Senior Technical Expert and Director Silviu Vlasceanu.

I obtained my first M.Sc. from École Polytechnique, IP-Paris, in Cyber Physical Systems, and my second M.Sc.(diplôme d’ingénieur) from Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace, in direction of Math and Computer Science. My first professional research project was at Nomadic Labs in 2021 on Smart Contract of Tezos Blockchain, where I was fortunate to work with Dr.Yann Régis-Gianas and Dr.Richard Bonichon. Sooner, I focused more on Hardware Security and Machine Learning Security, then I finished my Master Thesis with Dr.Laurent Gomez at SAP Security Research Team and we eventually published a scientific paper with the content of my thesis.

My research interests are System/Hardware Security, Trustworthy Systems and Heterogenous Computing. I am highly receptive to engaging in Open Source Projects as well as any other compelling initiatives.


May 16, 2023 Our Paper(with SAP Security Labs) “Security for Distributed Machine Learning” has been accepted as a Short Paper by SECRYPT’23.

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    Security for Distributed Machine Learning
    Laurent Gomez., Tianchi Yu., and Patrick Duverger.